The personal data processed in compliance with the principles in this Policy and which vary depending
on the nature and type of the relaonship between Surgicraers and the data subject, the
communicaon channels used, and the menoned purpose informaon, are as follows:
- Idenfying informaon of the data subject such as name, surname, Turkish ID number, age, profession,
tle, work informaon, educaon status, gender, criminal record, career, IBAN,
- Data such as date of birth, place of birth, identy number, blood group, serial number, volume number,
family order number, and photograph found in identy vericaon documents such as photocopies of
identy cards, passports, and driver's licenses,
- Communicaon records including address, email, phone and fax number, social media address, and
communicaon records within phone conversaons and email correspondence,
- Detailed nancial data related to collecon and payment acvies,
- Visual and auditory data such as security camera footage and audio recordings,
- Health data such as medical treatment informaon, diagnosis informaon, blood group, health report,
applied medical treatment,
- Pre-operave and post-operave photographs.
Purposes of Processing Personal Data:
The personal data obtained from you is processed by Surgicraers for the following purposes and under
the condions stated in Arcles 5 and 6 of the Law, to enable you to benet from health services
provided through health tourism services mediated by our instuon:
- Idencaon,
- Making, reminding, changing appointments, and other nocaons related to service provision,
- Evaluaon and diagnosis of the paent,
- Outpaent or inpaent treatment of the paent,
- Provision of health services for paent care, including medicaon and medical supplies,
- Preparing for surgery and conducng related acvies,
- Conducng necessary tests and examinaons,
- Preparing and controlling medicaons and materials,
- Conducng imaging and similar acvies within the scope of diagnosc and treatment acvies for the
- Monitoring the treatment process, creang medical records,
- Managing and storing personal belongings of the paent,
- Conducng processes related to the fees for products and services oered by the Instuon,
- Conducng accounng and nancial transacons,
- Storing collected data in accordance with legal regulaons for the required duraon,